[Historyoftheory] (no subject)

Andrew Hicks ajh299 at cornell.edu
Thu Nov 30 06:17:38 PST 2017

Dear colleagues,

Please accept our (much belated) thanks for the energy and enthusiasm on
display during our recent AMS events, from both presenters and audience
alike. We are delighted that so many of you were able to attend the
pre-conference and AMS evening session, and the conversations and scholarly
exchange left our heads buzzing with new ideas. We expect that we are not
alone, and *we want to hear your ideas for future events*. Our current task
is planning our activities for next year’s joint AMS/SMT meeting in San
Antonio, and we’d be especially pleased to hear your thoughts regarding
possible topics or themes for our sessions (we are guaranteed an AMS study
group evening session and an SMT interest group "business" meeting, which
could take any format). *Please submit thoughts and ideas to our History of
Theory account at historyofmusictheory at gmail.com
<historyofmusictheory at gmail.com>*.

We like also to draw your attention to the History of Theory SG/IG website
<https://historyofmusictheory.wordpress.com/>, which features a wonderful
blog  <https://historyofmusictheory.wordpress.com/blog/>edited and curated
by Stephanie Probst and Leon Chisholm. *Steffi and Leon are keen to have
blog submissions from scholars of all career stages*. If you'd like to test
out an idea, publicize a recent or upcoming event, or summarize a on-going
research project, please get in touch with Leon <lmchisholm at gmail.com>.
Recent posts include a report on our recent conference
<https://historyofmusictheory.wordpress.com/2017/11/28/873/>, "Teaching
Solfège in Socialist East Germany," "Chromatic Scale Construction in
Ancient China," "Some Reflections about Thoroughbass Pedagogy Today," and
"Schema Theory and Aesthetic Categories in North Indian Classical Dhrupad."
You can also find pictures from the recent conference on the news page
<https://historyofmusictheory.wordpress.com/news/> of our website.

Finally, if you attended the conference and would like to join our email
list, please fill out the form at
(We're using only the one list while AMS transfers to a new data management
system in the next few months.)

We look forward to continuing the conversations begun in Rochester and
hearing your thoughts on new directions for the History of Theory group(s).

All best,
Your HoT IG/SG organizers

Andrew Hicks | Associate Professor | Department of Music and Program in
Medieval Studies
Cornell University | 106 Lincoln Hall |  Ithaca NY, 14853
607-351-6297 phone | 607-254-2877 fax | ajh299 at cornell.edu
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