[Smt-talk] Can anyone I.D. this song?

Mark Spicer mark.spicer at hunter.cuny.edu
Fri Jan 22 05:49:08 PST 2010

On second thought, the song Chris is describing probably is not "All the 
Things She Said," since the final tonic of the chorus is not a staccato chord 
and the chords move twice as fast. Songs in "conventional" minor keys  
(i.e., with raised leading tone) are actually quite common among 
dance/club hits.

Prof. Mark Spicer, Ph.D.
Director of Undergraduate Studies in Music
Hunter College and the Graduate Center
City University of New York
mark.spicer at hunter.cuny.edu

---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 16:34:54 -0800
>From: smt-talk-bounces at societymusictheory.org (on behalf of Chris 
Bonds <chbonds1 at willy.wsc.edu>)
>Subject: [Smt-talk] Can anyone I.D. this song?  
>To: smt-talk smt <smt-talk at societymusictheory.org>
>I often hear this dance/club genre song in the grocery store that has a 
>recurring refrain by at least 3 female voices in a minor key. The chords 
>are VI - i 6/4 - V - i (or in G minor: Eb-Gm/D-D-Gm) and the melody 
>notes (in c minor) are Bb - Bb - A - Bb. The Eb chord is 4 beats, the 
>next 2 are 2 beats each, and the last chord is a short staccato note. 
>This is a stock harmonic cadential progression that sticks out like a 
>sore thumb in today's modal/penta/one-note melodic pop universe. It 
>occurs at least a half dozen times in between verses and is sung with 
>great enthusiasm. What is the song? (I don't know, I'm hoping one of you 
>does.) It's a good example of a cadential 6-4 in a radio hit.
>Chris Bonds
>Wayne State College (Retired)
>Smt-talk mailing list
>Smt-talk at societymusictheory.org

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