[Smt-talk] Composed performances

Eliot Handelman eliot at colba.net
Mon Jul 5 19:30:53 PDT 2010

Hi list,

there's a piece by (I think) Cage for violin in which the manner of 
playing the violin is
specified, but not the sound -- the score uses a system of notation 
showing bowing and fingering on separate

The performance, not the sound, has been composed. Of course it's 
consistent with Cage's view of
the separation of composing, performing and listening.

Question: is this in fact a Cage piece, and if so, which? Or is this a 
Kagel piece?

I'd like to compile a list of compositions so composed, ie, directing 
the body of the player with bodily
notation. It need not be avant-garde or western. Suggestions?

I've mostly been interested in musical structures in which there is a 
kind of "performance
rhythm," as, eg, in baroque "bariolage" where one alternates an open 
sand stopped string, or in the
oscillatory motion of the left hand in piano accompaniments, and such. 
In these cases, you might say
that  physics and physiology, are specific contributing factors to 
questions of musical design.  Here again I would welcome
suggestions, if you can figure out what I'm trying to say.

-- eliot

Eliot Handelman, PhD
Center for music-computational thought, Montreal

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