[Smt-talk] Live blogging of Satie's 28-hour "Vexations"

Reed,Smith Alexander alexreed at ufl.edu
Thu Dec 1 11:11:21 PST 2011

Dear Fellow Theorists:

I just wanted to share a link with you.  As a preliminary step in a 
seminar project, one of my graduate students is undertaking the task of 
listening to Erik Satie's "Vexations" in its (simulated) entirety.  
"Vexations" entails 840 repetitions of its off-kilter theme.  Rare full 
performances typically last around 28 hours, and most of the scholarly 
work on the piece (such as Orledge's article) has focused on Satie 
himself, the implied performer, and/or the strange enharmonics of the 
notation; little has been written about the experience from the 
audience's end.  My student, Justin Johns, is keeping a live blog of 
going through his day with "Vexations" at 
http://adaysvexations.wordpress.com/ .  Hopefully it will bring a smile 
to some faces.

S. Alexander Reed
Assistant Professor
University of Florida
alexreed at ufl.edu

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