[Smt-talk] Old blog new blog

Victor grauer victorag at verizon.net
Sun Jan 30 06:53:14 PST 2011

Sorry to barge in like with this with shameless self-promotion, but 
I've put together two blogs that might be of interest  to members of 
this list, despite the fact that neither is devoted to music theory. 
My blog Music 000001 has been around for a few years, and some of you 
may already be familiar with it. While not strictly speaking a theory 
blog, it discusses the early history and origins of various musical 
traditions of the world in a manner that would, I think, be of 
interest to at least some theoreticians: http://music000001.blogspot.com/

My new blog isn't concerned with music at all, but could prove very 
useful to anyone on the list who is not a native English speaker. For 
many years I've been bothered by what looks like a decline in the 
standards of good English usage, not only on the Internet generally, 
but also in certain peer reviewed academic journals. In response, I 
decided to take the plunge and put together a blog that could serve 
as a resource for scholars and scientists struggling with some very 
tricky aspects of the English language. The blog is called English 
Proper and can be found here:

I'd welcome comments and suggestions, either on or off list. Thanks.

Victor Grauer
Pittsburgh PA, USA

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