[Smt-talk] Expanded Music Theory

Nicolas Meeùs nicolas.meeus at paris-sorbonne.fr
Wed Feb 22 14:16:22 PST 2012

Le 21/02/2012 22:28, Ninov, Dimitar N a écrit :
> [...]
> In contrast to the above situation, in many European conservatories the theoretical disciplines are studied separately. In addition, the curriculum is different for different majors. For example, students who major in theory, composition, conducting and musicology usually study harmony and counterpoint each for six semesters and musical analysis for two semesters. Students who major in instrumental performance, voice, and music pedagogy study harmony for four semesters, counterpoint for two semesters, and analysis for one semester. You can imagine the level of mastery that one can achieve by studying separately theoretical disciplines for a long period of time.
In the European countries that I know, there are so to say no 
counterpoint classes any more: counterpoint here is a disappearing 
discipline. As to musical analysis ... Conservatoires teach some sort of 
musical description, the kind of "conducted tours" of which Leopold 
Mannes wrote 60 years ago. I do not think that students here attain a 
level of "mastery" higher than that of their American colleagues.

Nicolas Meeùs
Université Paris-Sorbonne

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