[Smt-talk] Call for Nominations

Tim Koozin tkoozin at uh.edu
Tue Nov 6 18:48:55 PST 2012

Dear SMT members,

You are cordially invited and strongly encouraged to submit nominations before 15 December 2012 for the following SMT Executive Board positions (for election in 2013):

     1.  Vice-President (2-year term) to replace Janna Saslaw, whose term expires November 2013.

     2.  Two Board Members-at-Large (3-year term) to replace Gretchen Horlacher and Evan Jones, whose terms expire November 2013.

Continuing Board Members are Joseph Kraus and Brenda Ravenscroft (through 2014) and recently elected Áine Heneghan and Keith Waters (through 2015)

Your participation in this process is important to the health and diversity of the SMT. To suggest suitable individuals for these posts, please submit your nominations ONLINE by going to the SMT website (http://societymusictheory.org). It is a very easy process that takes no more than 2-3 minutes. First, log in, then find the “Nominations 2012” tab in your SMT Profile.  Self-nominations are completely acceptable.

Thank you,

Prof. Robert Hatten
Chair, SMT Nominating Committee

Submitted by Tim Koozin, Chair, SMT Networking Committee, on behalf of Robert Hatten

Dr. Timothy Koozin
Associate Professor and Coordinator of Music Theory
Moores School of Music
The University of Houston
120 School of Music Bldg         
Houston, Texas 77204-4017
tkoozin at uh.edu

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