[Smt-talk] Emotion and music

Eliot Handelman eliot at colba.net
Fri Feb 24 20:57:22 PST 2012

On 24/02/2012 10:47 AM, Charles J. Smith wrote:
> PS A further question: when I describe a passage as sad, am I 
> stipulating a property of the music or a property of my reaction to it?
The current evolutionary psychology idea is that music's adaptive 
benefit has to do with its powers to
bond groups through synchronized experiences. I think it is fair to 
guess that music DOES code for
emotion/affect/feeling. Consider the boundary case of musical feeling: 
the fact that some things DO
sound like music to someone while others don't. Obviously, properties of 
the music are involved.

-- eliot
Eliot Handelman PhD
Music & AI/Mtl

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