[Smt-talk] Last Reply to Prof. Vaisala

Ninov, Dimitar N dn16 at txstate.edu
Tue Nov 13 10:53:11 PST 2012

Dear Professor Vaisala,

Thank you. Since you bring the question of the level of the current discussion, I would like to outline the difference between our approaches to it:

1. I begin my letter with a greeting to you; you do not.

2. I call you a professor, you address me as "Mister".

3. I end the letter with a greeting; you do not.

4. I do not afford to discuss openly the probability of how many colleagues will be willing or unwilling to participate in a discussion with you, because this would be an impolite and cheap attitude on my part. On the other hand, you decided to use this maneuver yourself.

I leave you to consider the above remarks in the light of the current level of discussion, and to make your inferences.

With best regards,

Dimitar Ninov 

Dr. Dimitar Ninov, Lecturer
School of Music
Texas State University
601 University Drive
San Marcos, Texas 78666

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