[Smt-talk] stretto calculation

John Snyder JLSnyder at uh.edu
Fri Nov 9 09:08:16 PST 2012

Hello Stephen & all,

To the books already mentioned by Peter Schubert and others I would add
Sergei Tane'ev's *Convertible Counterpoint in the Strict Style* (1904 [?]).
There is an English translation. It uses algebraic means to assess the ways
in which a subject might be combined with itself in counterpoint, at various
pitch and time shifts. It also treats invertible counterpoint in a 
similar way,
determining if two lines will work in inversion, and at what intervals(s) of
inversion. The arithmetic (if memory serves--I don't have it in front of me)
is mod7, with 0=unison, 1=step (any size), etc. It would take some getting
used to. I recall a paper on this at an SMT meeting a few years ago, but
can't recall the specifics (and have no time right now to track them down).

With best wishes,


John L.Snyder
Professor of Music Theory and Musicology
Moores School of Music
University of Houston
JLSnyder at uh.edu

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