[Smt-talk] IV4/3 and IV4/2

Olli Väisälä ova10540 at uniarts.fi
Tue Sep 9 07:13:43 PDT 2014

Timothy Cutler wrote:

> Could anyone point me to some instances of IV4/3 and IV4/2 chords?
> I have only a few decent examples of each, and I'm surprised how  
> difficult
> they are to find. (Maybe I'm not examining the right repertoire...)

Examples popping to my mind:

For IV4/2, Bach's Prelude in E minor from WTC I, bars 8–15. (IV4/2– 
VII6–I in G major followed by varied sequential repetitions in e, C,  
and a.)

For IV4/3, Mozart's Fantasie in C minor, bar 155.

But while the sonorities are prominent here, I am not sure how  
"decent examples" they are. In the Bach, the first IV4/2 is part of a  
sequence. In the Mozart, the "IV4/3" is part of a dominant  
prolongation, not a very independent chord.

Best wishes,
Olli Väisälä
ovaisala at uniarts.fi
Sibelius Academy
University of the Arts, Helsinki

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