[Smt-talk] Classical Form and Recursion

William Caplin caplin at music.mcgill.ca
Tue Mar 24 19:48:41 PDT 2009

Thank you, Thomas, for your kind remarks.  As you can see, my last  
post (which I wrote before reading yours) picks up directly on the  
points you mention.  (We obviously sent our posts at around the same  


On 24-Mar-09, at 3:31 PM, Thomas Noll wrote:

> An exciting new book, edited by Pieter Bergé entitled "Musical Form,  
> Forms, Formenlehre" (2009, Leuven University Press) with lectures,  
> comments and responses by William Caplin, James Hepokoski and James  
> Webster contains a contribution by William Caplin, presented in the  
> Formenlehre-session at the Euro-MAC 2007 in Freiburg. There we find  
> tree structures with two kinds of labels, namely temporal functions  
> and formal functions. It is the labeling with temporal functions  
> (before-the-beginning, beginning, middle, end, after-the-end), where  
> recursion becomes manifest.
> I'm grateful to my colleague Karst de Jong, who lent me his copy  
> this morning. What I took for a vague and undigested idea of mine in  
> my posting of yesterday is actually a sediment of memory from  
> William Caplin's inspiring lecture, where the well-digested idea was  
> supported by good arguments and examples. I apologize if I caused  
> wrong déjà-vu experiences or discomfort with my weakness of memory.
> Sincerely
> Thomas Noll
>> technically the (not yet digested) idea would - at first sight -  
>> lead to derivation trees with labels "presentation",  
>> "continuation", "cadence" (and some more) for non-terminals and  
>> concrete units from the score for terminals.
> *********************************************************
> Thomas Noll
> http://flp.cs.tu-berlin.de/~noll
> noll at cs.tu-berlin.de
> Escola Superior de Musica de Catalunya, Barcelona
> Departament de Teoria i Composició
> Tel (priv.):   +34 93 268 75 19
> Tel (mobil): +34 66 368 12 02
> *********************************************************
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William E. Caplin
James McGill Professor of Music Theory

Schulich School of Music
McGill University
555 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H3A 1E3

office: (514) 398-4535 x00279
home: (514) 488-3270

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